martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017

I am the light, John 12:46

In the Bible there are many mentions to the light. The teaching of the lamp in Mark 4: 21-23 and Luke 8:16-18; the parable of the lamp in Luke 11:33-36, the healing of a man born blind John 9.
In Metaphysics the light, the truth, the good belongs to the genre of the being instead the darkness, the lie to the genre of non-being. It is logical to attribute to the divine that which belongs to the first genre, that is, to what it is.
The light represents the knowledge that iluminates internally all men.Knowledge should be not hidden. Ignorance is a form of oppression.
The light as perfection of God can be interpreted also as eternal life, nobody can walk in darkness.
Also the light is related with the truth:"But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light", John 3:21
At last in the Bible the light is related with the idea of Gnosis, the ilumination by the grace of God, the ilumination as gift of God: "Everyone will be salted with fire" Mark 9:49.

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