martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017

I am the light, John 12:46

In the Bible there are many mentions to the light. The teaching of the lamp in Mark 4: 21-23 and Luke 8:16-18; the parable of the lamp in Luke 11:33-36, the healing of a man born blind John 9.
In Metaphysics the light, the truth, the good belongs to the genre of the being instead the darkness, the lie to the genre of non-being. It is logical to attribute to the divine that which belongs to the first genre, that is, to what it is.
The light represents the knowledge that iluminates internally all men.Knowledge should be not hidden. Ignorance is a form of oppression.
The light as perfection of God can be interpreted also as eternal life, nobody can walk in darkness.
Also the light is related with the truth:"But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light", John 3:21
At last in the Bible the light is related with the idea of Gnosis, the ilumination by the grace of God, the ilumination as gift of God: "Everyone will be salted with fire" Mark 9:49.

"But seek his Kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well", Luke 12:31

Jesus, teach to us the mysteries of the Kingdom. The expression:"But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well", Luke 12:31; is insert within a longer narrative that show to us the characteristics of the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is:
1) The happy life, the beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12
2) Salt and light of the earth (Truth and Wisdom), Matthew 5:13-16
3)Mercy and forgiveness, Matthew 21-26
4) Fidelity, Firmness Matthew 27-30
5)Perseverance, Matthew 33-37
6)Love for the good, the love perfected by the nature of the good, "love your enemies", Matthew 43-48
7)Devotion: No one can serve two masters, Matthew 5:24
8) Trust in God (Divine Providence), Matthew 5:25-34
The kingdom of God is an ethical doctrine that we can know through the description of his own characteristics. And ending as a summary: "Be Perfect as your heavenly father is perfect", Matthew 5:48.

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

It is God's will that you should be sanctified, 1 Thessalonians 4:3

The first letter to the thessalonians is a book of the new testament wrote by the apostle Paul. The epistle begins with an invocation to the Holy Spirit and with a thanksgiving. To continue then with an exhortation to holiness and finishing the letter with a mention to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
The apostle emphasizes the expression: "It is God's will that you should be sanctified, 1 Thessalonians 4:3"
The apostle adds: "God has not called us to impurity, but in holiness, 1 Thessalonians 4:7" In this context the concept of holiness is the opposite to impurity and being the impurity a work of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21), the holiness could be understood as a fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
The apostle in this letter also refers the sanctity as a belonging to the divine, to the spiritual gift of fear of the lord or serenity, this gift is known as constancy, firmness, devotion, ecuanimity, stability. when he affirms: "in order to please God, 1 Thessalonians 4:1".

Good thoughts, good words, good deeds, Zarathustra

Zarathustra is primarity known in western countries for the written book: "Thus spoke Zarathustra" by Nietzsche.
He probably lived before the Achaemenian dinasty (600 to 330 bc) he was a philosopher and also prophet of the persian religion, the zoroastrianism.
He is credited with the autorship of some books: the gathas and the avesta. Zarathustra in his teaching emphasizes the righteousness and the way of thinking, unlike the christian fate that emphasizes the love and the feelings.
His most famous teaching is:

domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

True Friends have one soul, Aristotle

Aristotle wonders about the nature of happiness, and in this study of happiness he focuses in three elements that identifies as keys for the happy man: the virtue, in special justice, the friendship and the pleasure.
Let's talk about the second: the friendship. Aristotle in his book Nichomaquean Ethics, Book VIII wrote about friendship: "is the most necessary for life. In effect, without friends nobody would want to live......But friendship is not is not only necessary but beautiful. We praise those who love their friends and having a lot of friends is considered one of the best things".
Then he affirms: "the happy life is considered to be the life according to virtue."
For what is exposed for Aristotle we can say that needing the man of the virtue for his social activity, and being the friends those with whom we primarity exercise the virtue; friendship is not the foundation of happiness, but without it (friendship) man can not achieve happiness. Friendship is necessary but not sufficient. We need both friendship and virtue.

viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017

I am the door, John 10:9

The teaching: "I am the door, John 10:9"; has a relationship with John 1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". Jesus personifies the door, the door means the word of God, the wisdom of God. Every road starts with a door.
The path of Rectitude starts with the wisdom of God, with the word of God, the science of the divine. In the old and new testament the word of God is identified with the head of science and the intelligence: "For the lord gives wisdom: from his mouth come knowledge and understanding", Proverbs 2:6
The concept of Word of God does not match with the Aristotelian concept of Wisdom (Book of Metaphysics). The Word of God is in direct relationship with the faculties of the spirit: the intuition and the inspiration; 1 Corinthians 2:13 :"This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the spirit"
Thomas Aquinas explains and this is important that the Bible is not the word of God, the bible is a book inspired by the word of God, by the counsel of God, because the Word of God predates the existance of man, the Word of God is eternal, is increated. Remember the expression in the Genesis that is similar to John 1.

His works are perfect, Deuteronomy 32,4

The expression:"He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he", Deuteronomy 32:4; is in the song of Moses.
Deuteronomy means in greek "second law", is a book of the Old Testament; the last book of the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). The autorship of this book is attributed to Moses.
The affirmation: "His works are perfect" has implications is Christian Theology; although God is the wisdom itself, we know God through his works. Tomas Aquinas affirms: in God are present the perfections of all things, Question 4, About the perfection of God.
This is the starting point of the doctrine of the kingdom of God, remember the teaching of Jesus: "Be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect", Matthew 5:48. It is called perfect to what, of what it requires its perfections, nothing lacks, Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae.
As work of God we are called to his likeness, to the completeness, to the conformity to Jesus Christ.

jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017

The art of war, Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu was a chinese military and strategist, he wrote the book "The Art of War". The book is required in the main military academies of the world and in the marketing and business administration careers. Is basically a book of strategy and gives a series of recommendations and rules to take into account to achieve victory over the enemy in the field of war.
The book has served as an inspiration to militaries and great authors like Clausewitz. Studing the book,we can talk about a philosophy of war, the book has similarities with the work of Aristotle ("the common sense is the proper virtue of the governant") and Nicolas Maquiavelli ("The main activity of the prince is the war")
Sun Tzu clarifies that every advantage over the enemy comes from the virtues of the strategist. He asks: who is the most wisest and most capable commander?, which army has the best trained men?, which is the most disciplined army?
Every successful action begins with good calculations and affirm as a principle:

jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

Know Yourself, Socrates

Plato in his books talk about Socrates. This philosopher center his teaching in the dialectic method. An example of this method is describe in the book "The banquet" of Plato.In this book the socratic method is used to searh the nature of love, the Agape, the love for the good. A famous phrase attributed to Socrates is "Know Yourself". Self Knowledge is one of the most important philosophical searches, the expression is similar to that of the oracle of Delphi. Everything about Socrates comes to us through Plato. We can say that Socrates was one of the most important greek philosophers in history, and his ideas about the self knowledge and the socratic method are currently used in philosophy and other sciences based in the human behavior.

The Kingdom of God is among you, Luke 17:21

The Kingdom of God is the center of the teaching of Lord Jesus, the teachings begin in the sermon of the mountain with the beatitudes (Matthew 5, Luke 6) and continue with the parables that describes the Kingdom. The kingdom of God is secret (parable of the hidden treasure, Matthew 13); is progressive (parable of the mustard seed, Mark 4); is sovereign (Parable of the Great Banquet, Luke 14), is new (the kingdom belong to those who are like the children, Matthew 19) The Kingdom of God is not the church, is the transformation of man towards his nature, to his full development, the likeness to God, and also the correct order of the society.

miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Sowing in the spirit

To understand what it means "sowing in the spirit", we have to know the meaning of the parable of the good samarithan (Luke 10:25-37), and the parable of the sower (Matthew 13). The parable of the good samarithan explain to us that we have to choose between the sin like the pharisee or we live righteously like the good samarithan. The good samarithan acts according to the golden rule, this rule is known as the spiritual gift of rectitude or imitate god. Imitate God is to live according to the spirit. Practice the sin is to live according to the flesh. We have to choose. The 10 commanments is these scheme is a form of error, an heresy.
The parable of the sower explain to us the importance of receive the wisdom of God, retain it and put it in practice with constancy. The spiritual gift of fear of the lord or serenity is define as constancy, firmness, devotion, ecuanimity. This gift is the path to ilumination.
Sowing in the spirit is the resume of this parables, is to live righteously, to search the wisdom of god with contancy and firmness. The kingdom of god as ethical concept means all this, to search the true good for men: the eternal life.


When we talk about ethics we talk about spiritual gifts. The spiritual gifts are perfections. The main characteristic of the spiritual gifts is the progressivity: "godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life wich is now, and of that wich is to come", this thought speaks about the idea of the progressive work, the progressive life, the progressive improvement, a life is the preparation for another. This way or mood of thinking can only be perceived by the eye of the mind, the guide of god.This is not fate, this is security in God. This way of thinking, of preparing ourselves, of working progressively, is the true essence of eternal life, the life in glory.