viernes, 11 de agosto de 2017

Keep your tongue from evil

"Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it" Psalm 34:14. Good and evil are basic choices of the human being, we choose between righteousness (the golden rule, imitating christ) and sin.
Love instead is a gender, there is the evil love. The love of charity, which is an ethical demand is the love perfected by the nature of the good, in love we also choose in a destructive or uplifting sense. Love does not change the fact of how we choose. That is why we speak of benevolence and malevolence. The sin is an habit or not.
Justice, on the other hand, is a virtue whose fundamental aim is to maintain friendship among men, the unjust people can not be friends with each other, in fact Aristotle calls Justice, generalized friendship.

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